WOW! Pretty amazing to get nominated for a Golden Reel! Very honored and grateful, the team at Anarchy Post is always a blast to work with. On February 19th we will rub shoulders with the masters of sound and honor those who achieved excellence in their respective category. This is my first nomination and I am super excited that the team was recognized for our hard work and dedication to the industry. Look forward to sharing the night with all of our peers!
The Body VR - Unity Unite 2016 double nomination!
Good news : Our VR app was nominated for 2 Unity awards - 'Best VR Experience' and 'Best Non-game experience', we shared these nominations with the Google and Valve, quite an honor!
The not so bad news: We did not win BUT! The nod and nomination for this type of experience just shows the power of education through VR. We are very grateful and humbled by our nominations, it's quite an honor to be recognized in this fashion.
The devs and the marketing team are the brains behind all of this, I'm very grateful to be a part of the exciting new journey of interactive education. As an audio person who is new to VR, I'm super excited to have been involved. This was a new challenge and I it was really exciting to create sounds for this experience. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who downloaded The Body VR and took the time to learn some science. It's very rewarding to see the positive feedback on the app and we all look forward to bringing you more!